A sparse environment of carefully chosen materials calls the child to work, concentration, and joy. A crowded or chaotic environment can cause stress and can dissipate a child’s energy. ​​

​- Maria Montessori​​

Copyright © Montessori School of Woodstock 
All rights reserved

Montessori School of Woodstock

3899 Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30066




  1. Practical Life - Develops memory, attention span, concentration, coordination, and motor control. Skills taught are used in everyday life such as: buttoning, zipping, pouring, tying, spooning, sifting, stringing, sorting, snapping, cleaning, etc.

  2. Sensorial - Anything that involves the five senses. Some skills associated with Sensorial materials are visual perception, depth, color, height, width, taste, touch and fine motor control. A variety of materials are used to develop these senses such as: knobbed cylinders, rough & smooth boards, variation in texture materials, etc.

  3. Circle Time - General class curriculum to include stories, songs, finger plays, weather, days of the week, months, shapes, colors, numbers, letters, etc.

  4. Phonics and Vocabulary Enrichment - Letter, number and sound recognition. Construction of sentences using picture cards.

  5. Spanish - Conducted twice a week. Concepts taught include counting, colors, greetings/farewells, etc.

  6. Music – Explored daily by the Montessori lead teacher and assistant.